
The official language of the Journées de Statistique is French. However, to facilitate exchanges with international guests and sister societies, we encourage all speakers to prepare their slides in English, even if they plan to present their communication in French. Non-French speaking authors may of course present their contribution in English, with a short and a long abstract in English.

Submissions of communications can be made online, via this website, from December 1, 2022 to February 28, 2023 March 15, 2023.

The Scientific Committee will validate the proposals of free communications. Only contributions in the form of oral presentations in sessions are planned at this stage, but the Scientific Committee keeps the right to propose a participation only for the "poster" session if such a session should finally be organized.

In order to ensure a smooth submission procedure, please respect the following guidelines and information.

Required elements for a submission

Proposing a contribution requires the following:

  1. A title
  2. A short abstract (500 words maximum) for the participant's booklet. This summary should allow the reader to quickly get a clear idea of the subject matter. Mathematical formulas written in Latex can be inserted in this summary.
  3. One (or more) topic(s) to be chosen from the list of topics proposed during the "Metadata" stage of the submission procedure (for the list of these topics, see this file).
  4. A long text (2 to 10 pages) that will be posted on the conference website. This long text should mention the title of the paper, the author(s) (underlining the name(s) of the speaker(s)), their affiliation and their e-mail address. In addition to a description of the communication, it will include the short abstract in French (if possible), its translation into English, a list of keywords and a bibliography. It should be submitted in PDF format to the submission site using one of the following templates (LaTeX or Word/OpenOffice):
    Templates (compressed file)

The author submitting a contribution is the contact person for this submission. Multiple submissions are possible with the same account.

Submission procedure

The steps for submitting a paper are as follows:

  1. Log in to using the "Login" button at the top right of this page (if necessary, create an account by pressing the down arrow instead).
  2. Go to My Space > My submissions and click on "Submit a paper".
  3. Follow the instructions. By default, the procedure consists of 4 steps:
    • (3a) Metadata step
      Enter the title, the short summary (500 words maximum) and the topic(s) related to your paper (to select more than one topic, hold down the "ctrl" key on Windows and "command" on Mac Os).
    • (3b) Author(s) step
      This part allows you to fill in the authors of your submission. You can fill in as many authors as you wish by clicking on "Add an author". For each author, indicate whether or not he/she is a speaker.
    • (3c) File(s) step
      This step allows you to upload the pdf file containing the long text of your presentation. Don't forget to click on the "Upload" button. The file should appear at the bottom, under FILE.
    • (3d) Overview step
      This last step allows you to view your submission (all the metadata entered and the file containing the long text). Check that the speaker(s) has/have their name underlined (if necessary, this can be corrected by returning to step (3b) and clicking on the editing pencil rather than using the checkbox). If you wish to change any information, click on the previous steps. If you wish to conclude the submission process, click on "Submit".

Detailed documentation of the submission process and tracking of a submission (the different statuses of a submission; how to modify a submission; how to access the reviewer's notes and comments) is available at this address:

For any questions related to the submission process, please send a message to

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